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of musical training, music theory, and a working background in composition.
Depending on the software you are using, examples can be reliably charted from circa
2000 BC, up to 2331 AD. For this exercise, we ll use an upcoming date that is relatively near
to the present, December 21st 2012 AD, bka the  final day of the Mayan calendar.
First, it should be noted that the Mayans were expert astronomers, rivaling even surpassing
the Babylonians, who were top-notch astronomers and astrologers albeit these sister disci-
plines used to be considered merely a subset of mathematics, as was music, as was perhaps
everything& mathematics being the universal language. Expert astrologers were referred to as
mathematicians. And because math is the common language of the cosmos, it is imperative
that the sovereign astrologue learns to read, write and speak this language from his youth.
And while we re on that subject, ancient languages of the world commonly used the neuter
gender to describe what we call his/hers, him/her, simply as his, or him. Got it? It s well-
understood that the Gods created us male and female, to wit the first scroll of the Torah. It s
like the fifth house, that of  sons which means the house of sons & daughters for all you lay-
men. See? We ll dispense with these minutiae for brevity s sake.
As with all of my astronomical calculations I ve been using Astrolog version 5.41g with
swiss ephemeris, as this combination of freeware is easy to use and gives astronomically accu-
rate & reliable results every time.
The long-awaited Mayan calendar date of 13 Baktun has been the subject of books and
much speculation. There is little consensus with regards to what might happen on this date
which by the Gregorian correction to the old Roman (Julian) calendar turns out to be precisely
on the winter solstice of 2012 AD, Friday December 21.
In a sense this date is somewhat arbitrary since I ve selected it by virtue of its ever-
widening popularity, a date in our not too distant future which most of us will live to see if
not in the flesh, then in spirit. The significance of Dec 21, 2012 is at the very least astronomi-
cal, i.e. literally astronomical. The winter solstice of 2012 coincides with our own Sun s transit
on the Mayan  Sacred Tree at five degrees caelestial Sagittarius. More than mere coincidence,
but this day marks the end of the seventh precessional age and the beginning of the eighth
Light & Sound 67
precessional age which by the Mayan long count is charted per the long-term average as
counting five equal ages of the Sun per great year.
As long-term predictions of sidereal-synodic-tropical multiples were well known to the an-
cient world, it is probable that the Babylonians, Egyptians, Mayans, and other advanced civili-
zations had common access to the long-term ephemeris which may have come from Atlantis,
since antediluvian science was more advanced than JPL.
I ve already written extensively on this subject, and we have other charts to study for this
lesson. But if you d like to study the Mayan Long Count & Precession, you can find more de-
tailed information on these links:
Now, we ll chart the two sidereal-hour interval using the winter solstice 2012 as the center
of calculation, and the Great Pyramid at Gizeh for our local meridian. Again, this location is
somewhat arbitrary since this horoscopic progression holds true for any location on Earth,
given that only the local ascendant and descen- dant varies with latitude, and any change in
location longitude is dependent on sidereal time -or- distance, where meridians of longitude
plus or minus this local meridian at the Great Pyramid in sidereal angle-hours describes a geo-
graphical longitude per relative angle as measured along the reference plane of the ecliptic.
First we plot the horoscope for the local meridian at southing at the time of the winter sol-
stice. Note the reference to the Great Alnitak Pyramid is used as our prime meridian exactly
00E00:00 longitude. Our modern measurement from Greenwich can be converted by adding
the modern value west of Greenwich, or subtracting it east of Greenwich, with the Pyramid at [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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